Henry Stickmin in Newgrounds

Everything by Everyone!

Gee, TANKS a lot.

Check out this comparison between Hunting the Felons: Original (@BioPlant ) and Fanmade (@NoobiumBaconate )

The most controversial Henry Stickmin Fangame is now here!
Note: Not an official port from the guy who first made this fangame


Have all of those screenshots I took during the development. #TJSC #The #Jeehutanic #Stickmin #Collection

After 2 years of seemingly endless "development", it's finally out!

The Jeehutanic Stickmin Collection - NOW AVAILABLE IN GAMEJOLT!

1ST DLC! Separated Ways

Initiating the Pursuit Original Soundtrack Image!

EXECUTATIVE "BROS" OPERATION (ending plus, a random pic)

New Poster & New people